
  • ARAGONITE Is said to foster truth, understanding and an unclouded perception of reality. Believe to be a stone of nurturing it uplifts your feelings from stressful oppression into freedom and clarity through its ability to enhance tolerance, trust and insight by providing understanding into the root of problems
  • BLUE CALCITE - A calming stone that brings about stability and trust in oneself it enhances memory and stimulates the metabolism
  • CHOCOLATE JASPER -Is a stone of stability and grounding.As a jasper it brings us back to earth and helps us focus on what is important, integrity, honesty and kindness
  • DRAGONS BLOOD JASPER -Encourages spiritual growth and supports spiritual self healing. It provides strength, courage and purpose to help face difficulties and heal repressed emotional issues
  • GREEN KEMBALA JASPER - Is a very energizing stone that activates our root chakra. It helps provide much needed healing to the heart and calming of negative emotions such as guilt, trauma , grief, jealousy and anger 270g

    JASPER -Protection, nurturing, joy , awareness, relaxation, tranquility, wholeness and astral travel

    MOOKAITE- Provides a stimulous to improve oneself. It renews the passion and enhances physical vitality
  • MOONSTONE -Introspection, reflection, beginnings , insight, tenderness , harmony, peace , travel intuition, psychosomatic protection
  • NEPHRITE JADE -Represents journeys. When you have this stone in your life you will embark on journeys in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual sense,
  • ORANGE SELENITE-Has a powerful healing effect and can be especially effective in clearing out blocked and negative energies from the aura. An orange selenite egg is a great crystal to use in creating a safe and peaceful house,
  • ORTHOCERAS FOSSIL- The remains of extinct marine animals therefore known as the fossil stone
  • PICTURE JASPER - Is a grounding and harmonising stone with a strong connection to the earth. It’s grounding energy can give you a strong sense of who you are, where you’ve been and where you are going. ( stand not included)
  • POLYCROMIC -Which is also known as (Desert jasper )it is a stone that balances both emotional and vibrational energies
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    ROSE QUARTZ -The love stone, Helps clear stored anger, resentment, guilt , fear , jealousy. Cools a hot temper reduces stress and tension. Allows forgiveness and compassion. Enhances love , self confidence and creativity.
  • RUBY FUCHSITE A stone of the heart chakra, it is the perfect combination for love , fertility and positive growth
  • SEPTARIAN -Many people believe septarian to be a healing stone as well as a protective stone . SEPTARIAN nurtures and grounds bringing about feelings of happiness
  • SNAKESKIN JASPER - Is believed to promote justice and responsibility

    SUNSTONE-Alleviating fears and phobias, energising, cleaning .The Leadership stone,decrease stress and depression, good luck , abundance, negative and psychic attack turn to positive energy. 187g
  • TIGERS EYE GOLD -Self discipline, practicality, protection, grounding , peacefulness, clarity, intelligence intuition and psychic powers
  • TREE AGATE -Said to assist with introspection and self discovery, helps the wearer through their problems and can give a wider viewpoint of the world.
  • WHITE HOWLITE - Awareness, calm , emotional expression, observation, patience, eliminating negativity selfishness, creativity
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