
  • PEANUT WOOD JASPER - Stabilises the emotions of the emotions and connects the carrier to there roots to gain wisdom as well as understanding of life.
  • LAPIS LAZULI Manifestations, wisdom, truthfulness, openness communication inner power intuition spiritual evolution
  • GOLDEN RUTILE QUARTZ-Enhances the ability to provide new opportunities and direction. Enhances creativity as it quiets the mind
  • CHEVRON AMETHYST-Combines the properties of quartz and amethyst. Enhances peace of mind,relaxation and self-discovery and brings courage and inner strength
  • GOLD LABRADORITE- Alignment , attract success , dreams , reduce stress and anxiety, spiritual connection, transformation, clarity, peace progression and psychic development
  • LAGUNA LACE -It is a balancing and protecting stone believed to ward off the evil eye Bringing joy and absorbing emotional pain

    SELENITE-Mental clarity , mental flexibility, decision making, angelic guidance access past lives good business practices

    UNAKITE- Balance re birth , foresight, emotional balance , release blockages
  • DRUZY QUARTZ Is great for promoting natural healing on physical, mental and spiritual level
  • TIGERS IRON-Artistic abilities, creative projects,balance, beauty ,endurance,motivation, vitality
  • ONYX

    ONYX -Gives strength it promotes vigour, steadfastness and stamina. Imparts self-confidence, helping you to be at ease in your surroundings
  • GOLD LABRADORITE- Alignment , attract success , dreams , reduce stress and anxiety, spiritual connection, transformation, clarity, peace progression and psychic development
  • PURPLE FIRE LABRADORITE- Alignment , attract success , dreams , reduce stress and anxiety, spiritual connection, transformation, clarity, peace progression and psychic development
  • BOTSWANA AGATE-Is a comfort stone beneficial in overcoming depression and strengthening during a grieving process. It helps alleviate obsessive thoughts and destructive mental patterns

    AMETHYST - Known as the stone of calmness and tranquility. It calms the mind and dissolves anxiety. Amethyst also strengthens intellect and intuition bringing clarity. Excellent for meditation and healing.
  • TURQUOISE -Is a very effective healing stone . It provides comfort and solace for the spirit as well as support for the physical body.
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