
  • MOONSTONE -Introspection, reflection, beginnings , insight, tenderness , harmony, peace , travel intuition, psychosomatic protection
  • NEPHRITE JADE -Represents journeys. When you have this stone in your life you will embark on journeys in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual sense,
  • GREEN KEMBALA JASPER - Is a very energizing stone that activates our root chakra. It helps provide much needed healing to the heart and calming of negative emotions such as guilt, trauma , grief, jealousy and anger 270g
  • RUBY FUCHSITE A stone of the heart chakra, it is the perfect combination for love , fertility and positive growth

    SUNSTONE-Alleviating fears and phobias, energising, cleaning .The Leadership stone,decrease stress and depression, good luck , abundance, negative and psychic attack turn to positive energy. 187g
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