
  • SEPTARIAN -Many people believe septarian to be a healing stone as well as a protective stone . SEPTARIAN nurtures and grounds bringing about feelings of happiness
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    ROSE QUARTZ -The love stone, Helps clear stored anger, resentment, guilt , fear , jealousy. Cools a hot temper reduces stress and tension. Allows forgiveness and compassion. Enhances love , self confidence and creativity.

    MOOKAITE- Provides a stimulous to improve oneself. It renews the passion and enhances physical vitality
  • CHOCOLATE JASPER -Is a stone of stability and grounding.As a jasper it brings us back to earth and helps us focus on what is important, integrity, honesty and kindness
  • DRAGONS BLOOD JASPER -Encourages spiritual growth and supports spiritual self healing. It provides strength, courage and purpose to help face difficulties and heal repressed emotional issues
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